Monday, February 06, 2006

My Son's First Post

The Beatles came to do a concert in Ianville once, and the band liked it so much they never left. Now every Friday night, all the people who live in Ianville put on their small, black blue jeans and walk their gerbils to the town square. Then they sit on the grass, listen to The Beatles play movie sound tracks, and eat granola bars.

No one has to go to school in Ianville unless they want to. Of course, everybody wants to because Janis Joplin and William Shatner are two of the teachers. Janis Joplin teaches mathematics and William Shatner teaches video games.

One day Janis Joplin said to William Shatner, “Maybe we should take the students on a field trip.”

“That's a big idea, Janis Joplin,” said William Shatner. “Let's take them to the most fun place we can think of.”

“But that would be Ianville,” said Janis Joplin.

“You're right!” William Shatner exclaimed. “Call off the field trip! We're already here!”

0 Swings of the bat: