Thursday, October 26, 2006

Conservatism: A Definition

“The modern conservative is engaged in one of man’s oldest exercises in moral philosophy: that is the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.”

-- John Kenneth Galbraith

10 Swings of the bat:

Billiam said...

Wow. I'm conservative, so I guess I'm lumped in right? Does that mean I can stop all my donations to charity? Afterall, I'm selfish. Right?

Other Side said...

Billiam: I think you are probably more libertarian. Besides, it's a generalization, just like the one about liberals all liking higher taxes and drinking coffee in coffee shops with little pinkies upraised.

If you can honestly tell me you have never made a generalization about liberals, even in jest, then I will apologize.

Good on you that you contribute to charities ... liberals do too.

Billiam said...

I never ONCE pictured you as a pinky out kind of guy. No, I have not lumped all liberals into the same camp. Just the majority, meaning about 55%. The rest of you, I can talk to.

Other Side said...

Well, I like you too. It's fun to tweak a little here and there, though.

Dad29 said...

Actually, I think that Galbraith's charge is more accurately applied to Libertarians.

The philosophy espoused by "real" Libertarians, at core, does not allow for 'others.'

Genuine Conservatives, who actually exist in the Democrat Party but are more numerous in the Pubbie corral, abhor selfishness.

On the other hand, they also abhor sloth, and all the other vices.

Other Side said...

Are you saying you're a Democrat, Dad? And what's the Pubbie corral?

And I like you too ... too?

Billiam said...

Pubbie corral=Republican party. younguns' keep you up so late the your brain went into lock?

Other Side said...

I truly had never heard that. The young 'uns are at their mother's house.

Billiam said...

A break. That's a good thing. I'd never heard it before either, but, the meaning seemed obvious to me. Then again, i don't have to chase walking/running chemical factories around, as well as manage a household, so my brain functions more efficiently.. LOL

Dad29 said...

Sorry, OS, I'm not voting Democrat. However, if it makes you feel better, I am NOT a Republican.

I am a Conservative.