Friday, July 28, 2006

Incautious Driving

Our street, Fiebrantz Drive, is currently under re-construction. They are raising the road four inches and it is a few days short of being paved. Orange cones stand guard everywhere over raised manholes, which has turned our drive into a motocross zone. Consequently, as my wife Kelly, our two young children, the goofy dogs and I were taking a walk earlier tonight, we were very cautious about cars driving by and hoping the drivers were cautious too.

I heard something behind us, turned, and saw a blue SUV-type vehicle making its way toward us. It slowed down and carefully drove around. We moved over to the side for good measure. No problem there. A good neighbor! It was moving so slowly I noticed the "W 2004" sticker on its back bumper. Hmmm. Even conservatives, I thought humorously to myself, have good manners.

I looked up and saw our neighbors, Aysha, Amir and their four-year and one-year old sons about a quarter mile ahead. They are from Pakistan, are Muslim, and are our very good friends.

I watched as the SUV approached them, suddenly sped up, kicked up a cloud of dust, and whipped around an orange cone near the family. I saw Amir look at the passing SUV.

When we met by our driveways, I asked what had happened. Amir acknowledged that the car had sped up for no reason. It did frighten his little ones somewhat, but no one was the worse for wear.

I know exactly why the driver of the SUV sped up. He a racist thug who thinks that every Muslim is better dead and anyone who doesn't agree is a traitor to his country. His attitude is no different from that of Jessica McBride, or any of the other neocon thugs who travel the blogosphere, or make their homes on Fox News and spout their banalities to the nodding sheep in their audience.

One local blogger brags about a friend of his who recently got married. He brags that his friend is so brave because he says stuff this local blogger only dreams of saying. I linked over to that site. The person is a vulgar bully. Every other word is a cuss word and his brave actions include paving over the Middle East, and killing liberal traitors simply because they disagree with his twisted ideas about America.

I am not indicting conservatives. There are many thoughtful ones out there. But the ugly ones ... not much difference between their actions and those of Fred Phelps, in my opinion.

I'm so tired of them.

14 Swings of the bat:

Chris said...

have to attack even a wedding post nice Tim nice

Other Side said...

Thought you didn't come here, Chris. Boo hoo.

And my comment was about your friend's comments, not your wedding post, so go away and sulk in your little dark corner.

Other Side said...

And Clint ... when the truck sped up around the family, it was right next to them. The driver very clearly saw who was walking on the side of the street.

Stop making comments about something you do not know anything about ... you were not there, I was.

Oh, and from your comment ... In the conservative world, it's okay to frighten children because the adults may have had past dealings?

Look at your own writing, Clint, and wonder if your stuff isn't offensive. And, if you don't like it don't come back.

Other Side said...

Oh, I am not an open-minded compassionate liberal when it comes to terrorist actions like the one caused by the driver of that SUV.

Nor when responding to know-nothing comments.

Dad29 said...

You have observed the breakdown of moral governance, ironically led by the Left (shall we begin with the Warren Court?) and picked up with a vengeance by the Libertarian bunch, who libel Conservatives by arrogating that term to their "thought" patterns.

As C S Lewis observed, abandonment of the first things ALSO leads to destruction of the secondary things.

Other Side said...
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Other Side said...

Once again, Clint, you are not reading the entire response. The "nice Muslims" are our next door neighbors. We often have outdoor cookouts together and their kids come to our place and vice versa.

I knew they were walking along the road because we had spoken together just before we left for our walk. Their four-year old is afraid of our dogs, so we walked in an opposite direction.

And lastly, no kind of past dealings makes it okay for anyone to frighten children. The driver obviously sped up and kicked up the dirt. Amir commented about it and I have no reason to disbelieve him.

That I assumed conservative ties because of the "W" sticker is undeniable. Might the sticker have been from a previous owner ... yes.

But you know what, coming from someone who regularly blasts liberals (and I don't think your comments funny), I don't have to justify anything I write to you.

Other Side said...

Dad29: I would argue that conservative thought has led to a breakdown of moral governance, as you say, more than any liberal ideas.

Shall we begin, say, with Randall Terry and Operation Rescue ... the let's take the law into our own hands crowd.

Billiam said...

Sounds like one of the many dickheads I deal with on a daily basis. Also, if you want to hear some really nasty crap, buy a cb and tune into chan. 19. You'd think every truck driver was racist. On second thought, don't. I wouldn't want your family to be exposed to that crap. That's why mine is rarely on. All that aside, the guy was a jerk. They exist on both sides of the spectrum, and always will. Glad that guy's kids weren't scared too much.

Dad29 said...

Well, OS, your argument would be wrong.

But that's OK. You're a lib.

Other Side said...

Dad29: Back atcha!

Other Side said...

See Billiam's comment for some sense from a conservative.

Goofball? I think that's a bit too timid.

BTW: Just because I make a post regarding conservatives doesn't mean that there are no dickheads on the left side. I just see no reason to point them out, much like you guys and your protection of the lunatic fringe ... read Jessica McBride's near glowing comments (she's brilliant, gag, ack!) regarding Ann Coulter.

Other Side said...

I don't know, maybe you're not.

I think my next post will be about crybaby conservatives. I would also like to note, again, that you guys blast libs regularly.

And so, if you have a problem with this post, perhaps it's because deep down in your soul you know I'm right.

What's that old saying about guilt ... Methinks you protest too much.

Julie said...

Gee, blast a conservative and all you get are conservatives having fits about. However -- and I will point out that I haven't read EVERY CONSERVATIVE BLOG IN THE COUNTRY -- but I have noticed that when a conservative blasts a liberal, their readers tend to agree with the writer and point that out.

I would think that someone who deliberately sprays dust in the face of anyone who's skin color is darker than mine is a bigot, no matter what the bumper sticker says.

I will have to say that I travel from Racine to the North Side of Milwaukee on a daily basis and 75% of the time I'm either cut off by a moron in a large SUV or truck (50% of them Ford drivers) or by someone who has a large I support Bush sticker on the back bumper or someone who has both -- a Ford and a Bush sticker. I'm not saying liberals are better drivers, they just don't advertise their political perferences when cutting people off. Oh, the other 25% of the time includes 20% of people from Illinois and we can all agree that they need to leave our fine state.