My new friend has a new post (and an update on an old one). First the old one. My friend has such a potty mouth. Here's his update to an old post (italics, mine).
UPDATE#2: Man this guy actually is dummer (I think he means dumber.) than aBesides channeling Ann Coulter and her bad behavior, it seems to me the point my friend was trying to make is now even more ambiguous. Oh, sorry a big word. The point is hard to discern. Oh, another big word. How’s this…it’s even more difficult to make any sense of the point trying to be made.
rock. My point in the title you dumb ass (See, he can spell the word dumb.)
is that with idiots like you (you little Brookfield rich boy trying to be a good
little terrorist loving lefty prick) on the left the Republicans should have 90%
or more of the Senate and House.
And, the reason, me thinks, the Republicans do not have 90% of the Senate or House is because of supporters like you, my friend.
Now on to the most recent post.
My new friend posits that teachers are at fault for children not making it in eighth grade. Here is part of his comment …
… several posts on several blogs by teachers whining about “losing” students whoIt just proves a point I've made several times before. You have to want to learn.
are reading at a 3rd grade level in the 8th grade got me thinking (Oh, oh.).
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